At current, many shelters, kennels, and boarding facilities do not recognize and even accept the scientific approach behind Titer Testing vs Vaccinations. But as more caring people like you step forward and bring awareness to the world of Titering that tide will turn.
One of our Alumni, Jolie, a French Bulldog, her DPv titer test came back positive as you can see!! So glad we did not take the easy way out and allow her to be re-vaccinated. It would have sent her immune system haywire and would not have helped with her skin issue from which she has just recovered. For $52 we have helped keep her good health.
This 2015 is a rabies titer we pulled for Pippin, a tiny Chihuahua whom the shelter said needed a Rabies, but they must have vaccinated and forgot to not on her paperwork. Thankfully, we decided to spend $98 and keep Pippin's health intact.
Titering for Rabies every three years is very low cost compared to the life of your dog. Senior pets are the most susceptible to potentially fatal reactions to the Rabies vaccine as they get older. The $98 titer test takes 3 weeks as it is a little more involved, but worth it!!
We have worked with Hemopet founder Dr Jean Dodds for many years and is open to answering any questions you may have. Hemopet is located in Garden Grove, CA. They do have an online form you can download to get your pet tested TODAY!
SO! Does your dog/cat need it? How often? Do senior pets need to be vaccinated? Do you know that obtaining a Titer panel could stop all these redundant "suggestions" from Vets. Got Questions? We have the possible answers. So stop by our "vaccinations" page on our website and let us help you make better and more informed decisions for the love of your life, your pet ;-) See you there!!